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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Episode 56

4 great beers from Flying Dog Brewery this episode.

This weeks beers are:

1 - Doggie Style Classic Pale Ale - (Flying Dog Brewery)
2 - Old Scratch Amber Lager - (Flying Dog Brewery)
3 - Kerberos Triple - (Flying Dog Brewery)
4 - Gonzo Imperial Porter - (Flying Dog Brewery)

Download Episode 56

Friday, April 15, 2011

Episode 55

Four Ales this episode, judge them for yourself.

This weeks beers are:

1 - Punch & Judy - (Murray's Craft Brewing Co.)
2 - Jamieson Pale Ale - (Jamieson Brewery)
3 - Jamieson Brown Ale - (Jamieson Brewery)
4 - Jamieson Mountain Ale - (Jamieson Brewery)

Download Episode 55

Monday, April 4, 2011

Episode 54

This episode we feature 4 of Holgates finest.

This weeks beers are:

1 - Mt Macedon Ale - (Holgate Brewhouse)
2 - White Ale - (Holgate Brewhouse)
3 - ESB - (Holgate Brewhouse)
4 - Double Trouble - (Holgate Brewhouse)

Download Episode 54