This episode we review some black beers.
Stouts and a Porter which are all from Australia.
This weeks beers are:
1 - Guinness Draught
2 - Cascade Stout
3 - James Squire Porter
4 - Coopers Best Extra Stout

Download Episode 3
2 Blokes With Beer are Steve and David who meet every fortnight to make a podcast and try out some of the finest beers available in Australia.
We would like to thank Jeff Mallon for supplying the opening and closing music.
1 comment:
Hi guys, I have just discovered your blog/podcast and am enjoying it a lot although I have a lot of catching up to do! I am on a quest to better appreciate beer and get to know some local (Victorian) brews. If you are interested, I'm tracking my progress here
Keep up the good work.
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